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The Northern Crusader Chronicles

Sword Brethren

Bound by faith. Forged in battle. Haunted by doubt.

Sword Brethren is an epic coming-of-age adventure that sees its hero, Richard, dispossessed of his inheritance and forced to flee England for Lübeck. Here he joins the Livonian Brothers of the Sword as they embark on a mission to convert the pagans of the eastern Baltic in a new life of prayer, danger and duty.

     The story is told by Richard – now in middle age – to Prince Alexander Nevsky of Novgorod, after being wounded and taken captive in the famous battle on the ice.


Soldier of Christ

Richard is still a captive of Alexander Nevsky and continues his chronicle detailing his life as a Swordbrother in Livonia.

     In Riga, Richard's problems only increase. His master, Brother Rudolf is furious about his conduct in the previous battle – especially when he is honoured by the Semigallians, and the comrade he saved hates him even more. Things only get worse when Bishop Albert returns. Will Richard's past in Lübeck finally catch up with him?


Shield of Faith

Book 3 in The Northern Crusader Chronicles continues Richard's adventures in Livonia. The Order of Swordbrothers is in uproar after the recent events, but they have no time to grieve before a pagan Curonian army arrives to lay siege to Riga.

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